Kantar Worldpanel - www.kantarworldpanel.com

Continuous panels for depth and reliability of data across UK and Ireland

All the primary data used to generate our insights comes from our consumer panels. The number of households in the Kantar sample has increased by 20% to 30,000 – making it one of the largest continuous panels of its kind in the world, which means unrivalled depth and reliability of data for our clients.

  1. Reliability and definition
    • Syndicated consumer panels use advanced data collection techniques and higher sample sizes compared with other methodologies. This provides reliable, accurate and highly defined data that allows us to dive deeper into consumer behaviours.
  2. Trends and forecasting
    • Using the same respondents over time means we can identify what trends are affecting the market and forecast their future evolution with confidence.
  3. Behavioural accuracy
    • Panel members record their behaviour in great detail as part of their shopping activity instead of relying on memory to recall what they purchased.
  4. Behaviour changes explained
    • Because the sample is fixed, any change in behaviour from one period to the next is picked up and explained.
  5. Full consumer understanding
    • A wide range of information is collected to supplement the fundamentals of purchasing and usage. This allows us to explore the attitudes behind the behaviours we measure, and track the influence of various marketing activities.

In Ireland, we are uniquely placed to understand and quantify shopper behaviour from a total grocery perspective to category, brand and product.  With one of the world's most representative household panels - reflecting the actual population in the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland - we are able to provide an accurate and credible view on the market.

Unrivalled depth and reliability of data for our clients through our continuous consumer panels

Unrivalled depth and reliability of data for our clients through our continuous consumer panels

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