Kantar Worldpanel -

We know that shopper planning is high and the market is fiercely competitive

For every £5 spent in the UK, £4 of this is driven by pre-planning. Getting on the consumer’s list in advance is vital and closing that deal with the shopper is paramount.

We also know the trade structure here in the UK puts an increased focus on measuring the experiences shoppers are having when shopping for brands and categories.

 Through our unique panel we have thousands of shoppers experiences to draw upon and their extensive purchasing histories to throw into the mix.

 If you want to know how happy your shoppers are and, more importantly, does their experience in store impact on their spending, then Kantar Worldpanel can give you the answer

Learn more about our expertise in understanding shopper values with the presentation on the right.

Get in touch

Phil Dorsett
Expert Solutions

  • +44 208 967 4536